Innsiktsfulle sitater

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair, forfatter, gravejournalist og politisk aktivist, 1878-1968 There’s a lot of aversion to risk. When you get people involved whose job it is to mitigate risk, they’re just going to say no to most things. … Les mer


Kilde: FRONTIER GROUP. 5. OKTOBER, 2023 Data centers consumed 240-340 terawatt-hours of electricity in 2022, or 240-340 billion kilowatt-hours – about 1.0-1.3% of total global electricity use, comparabel to the total electricity consumption of UK. In 2020, the information and communication technology sector as a whole, including data centers, networks and user devices, consumed about 915 TWh of electricity, or 4-6% of all … Les mer

Gurwinder N-Å

Naïve Realism We know others are biased, but think we see the world as it is. Thus, teaching people about biases & fallacies doesn’t make them doubt their own beliefs, it only makes them even more doubtful of their opponents’. Navals Razor Hvis du strever med å velge mellom to alternativer, velg den veien som … Les mer

Gurwinder A-M

Adams’ 25% rule: Instead of trying to be the best at one thing, try to be «merely» great at two things and then learn to combine them. Not only is this easier, but it will make your skillset more unique, cutting out the competition. Ad Hoc Rescue Vi blir så sterkt knyttet til våre standpunkter … Les mer