
I takt med at brukervennligheten til Microsoft-programmer stadig faller, får jeg lage min egen Tech Help side med tips som kan være nyttige. Søke etter parenteser Prøv: name:~»*(1)*» i søkefeltet for å finne noe som inneholder (1) i filnavnet netsh winsock reset kan resette Winsock-katalogen, hvis vanlige ipconfig-knep ikke løser nettverksproblemer.

Not only the most expensive healthcare

U.S. childcare costs surpass those in all other OECD countries when taking into account single parents and couples earning average wage. The price tag for having two children minded while working full-time is also significantly higher in the U.S. than in most other developed countries that are part of the organization. Only Switzerland, the United … Les mer

The Doorman Fallacy

Rory Sutherland wrote about ‘doorman fallacy’ on page 126 of  Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life. « The ‘doorman fallacy’, as I call it, is what happens when your strategy becomes synonymous with cost-saving and efficiency; first you define a hotel doorman’s role as ‘opening the … Les mer

Gurwinder N-Å

Naïve Realism We know others are biased, but think we see the world as it is. Thus, teaching people about biases & fallacies doesn’t make them doubt their own beliefs, it only makes them even more doubtful of their opponents’. Navals Razor Hvis du strever med å velge mellom to alternativer, velg den veien som … Les mer

Gurwinder A-M

Adams’ 25% rule: Instead of trying to be the best at one thing, try to be «merely» great at two things and then learn to combine them. Not only is this easier, but it will make your skillset more unique, cutting out the competition. Ad Hoc Rescue Vi blir så sterkt knyttet til våre standpunkter … Les mer

Bøker 2024

Stieg Larssons arkiv: Nyckelen til Palme-mordet – Jan Stocklassa. Nja. Den siste boken om mordet på Olof Palme – Jon Jordås. Det beste forslaget hittil? The Square Of Seven – Laura Shepherd-Robinson. Tja, den avsluttet sterkt Morgon og kveld – Jon Fosse. Omatt og omatt. Latterlig dårlig. Decline and Fall, The end of empire in … Les mer

Bøker 2023 (66 – 475 siden 2002)

A canticle for Leibowitz – Walther M Miller               Trist men fin sci-fi. Minneverdig Magpie Murders – Anthony Horowitz                       Intrikat «who done it». Bra The Riddle of the sands – Erskine Childers             Kjempefin «spionbok» fra Nordsjøkysten Black Run – D.L. Marshall                 Møte i rom sjø, mer MacLean 😊 Anthrax Island – D.L. Marshall          MacLean er tilbake! … Les mer

A dad’s diet affects his sperm — and his sons’ health

Mouse fathers who ate high-fat foods and human fathers with high body-mass index have male offspring with metabolic disorders. A dad’s sperm records his diet — and this record affects his sons’ metabolism, according to a study of mice and humans1. Giving male mice a high-fat diet raises levels of some types of RNA in … Les mer

The split brain

Gazzaniga, Michael S., «The Split Brain Revisited,» Scientific American, July 1998 The Corpus Callosum has been severed, a treatment for epilepsy. 1.  Each hemisphere was presented a picture that related to one of four cards placed in front of the split-brain subject.  The right hemisphere saw the picture on the left (a snow scene), and … Les mer

The Chevy Malibu is the latest sedan to die

Chevy will stop production of its Malibu model in November to push into EV production. By Cassandra Cassidy May 10, 2024 High school parking lots are going to look a lot different in 10 years. This week, GM announced it’s retiring the Chevy Malibu, the company’s last sedan model, to focus on EV production. The … Les mer